Int'l & Group Workcamp

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The CYA Outgoing Program for International & Group Workcamp is a unique initiative designed to provide Cambodian volunteers with the opportunity to engage in meaningful cultural exchange and community service projects abroad. This program aims to foster cross-cultural understanding, promote global citizenship, and enhance personal and professional development for participants. The outgoing program for Int’l & Group workcamp typically spans between 1 to 2 weeks, allowing volunteers to immerse themselves in the host community, contribute to local projects, and experience the culture firsthand.

  1. Cultural Exchange: To provide volunteers with the opportunity to learn about the culture, traditions, and way of life of the host country, promoting mutual understanding and appreciation.

  2. Community Service: To engage volunteers in hands-on community service projects that address local needs and contribute to sustainable development.

  3. Personal Development: To enhance volunteers’ personal and professional skills, including teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving abilities, through experiential learning and challenging environments.

Project Activities

  1. Pre-departure Orientation: Comprehensive training and orientation sessions to prepare volunteers for their international experience, covering topics such as cultural sensitivity, project goals, and logistics.

  2. Cultural Immersion: Activities and excursions to explore the host country’s landmarks, history, and cultural sites, facilitating a deeper understanding of the local context.

  3. Community Service Projects: Volunteers will actively participate in community-based projects, which may include construction, education, environmental conservation, or healthcare initiatives, depending on the host community’s needs.

  4. Reflection and Debriefing: Regular reflection sessions and group discussions to process the experiences, share insights, and identify learning outcomes.

  5. Post-program Evaluation: Feedback and evaluation sessions to assess the impact of the program on volunteers and the host community, and to identify areas for improvement for future initiatives.

Participants Eligibility

  • Cambodian citizens aged between 18 and 40 years old.
  • Strong commitment to community service, cultural exchange, and personal development.
  • Good communication skills and ability to work effectively in a diverse team.
  • Willingness to adapt to new environments and respect local customs and traditions.

Program Benifits

  • Personal Growth: Opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills in a challenging and rewarding environment.

  • Cultural Enrichment: Exposure to new cultures, languages, and perspectives, fostering global awareness and empathy.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals, community leaders, and organizations from around the world, building a global network for future collaborations and opportunities.

  • Certificate of Participation: Upon successful completion of the program, volunteers will receive a certificate recognizing their contributions and achievements.

Inscription Fees

The participant will pay an inscription fee of 150 US dollars to participate in the int’l workcamp. For group workcamp, the fee will be negotiated according to the terms & Conditions of the CYA and the group. The fees above will cover only admission fees, pre-departure training, and supporting visa process. Volunteers have to cover the participation fees of the hosting project, flight tickets, and travel insurance. Only accepted volunteers will be paid the fee. 

Application Process

  1. Online Application: Interested candidates must complete the online application form, including personal information, relevant experience, and motivation for participating in the program.

  2. Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview to assess their suitability for the program and clarify expectations and responsibilities.

  3. Selection and Placement: Successful applicants will be matched with a suitable international workcamp based on their skills, interests, and availability.

  4. Pre-departure Preparation: Selected volunteers will attend pre-departure orientation and training sessions to prepare for their international experience.

The CYA Outgoing Program for International Workcamp offers a transformative experience for Cambodian volunteers to contribute to global solidarity and sustainable development while gaining valuable skills and insights. By participating in this program, volunteers will not only make a meaningful impact in the host community but also enrich their own personal and professional journey through cultural exchange and experiential learning.


Cultural Exchange

To provide volunteers with the opportunity to learn about the culture, traditions, and way of life of the host country, promoting mutual understanding and appreciation.

Community Services

To engage volunteers in hands-on community service projects that address local needs and contribute to sustainable development.

Personal Development

To enhance volunteers’ personal and professional skills, including teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving abilities, through experiential learning and challenging environments.

Outgoing Program countries in 2024

click on the map of your interested country to find the projects!

If you are interested in projects outside the countries listed above, talk to us!