Welcome to CYA

Welcome to Cambodian Youth Action (CYA), At CYA, we are united by a common goals: Promote education, sustainable development, and environmental preservation & protection. We are a dedicated team committed to insprire, engage, and empower global citizens to take action toward peace and sustainability, striving to make a tangible difference in our communities through International Voluntary Service.

Our Journey

Our story began after Mr. Sophat, the founder, returned from Taiwan in 2010. We officially registered under the Ministry of Interior as a non-government and not-for-profit organization in 2014. Over the years, we have been organizing various volunteering programs, community projects, and non-formation education programs. Today, we are proud to have been serving more than 74,000 people including children, thanks to the unwavering support of our volunteers and communities. 

Our Impact

Over the past 14 years, we’ve been organizing 625 projects in different communities across Cambodia where more than 3,500 volunteers were hosted. Our projects and volunteers impacted more than 74,000 people/children. Stories like Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community that changed from a fishing community to a very popular eco-tourism site which is a testament to the power of our collective efforts.

Our Partners & Networks

CYA works in collaboration with partners and networks of International Voluntary Services (IVS) across the globe. We have been a full member of the Network for Voluntary Development in Asia (NVDA) since 2012 and the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) since 2014. Additionally, CYA is a partner of Service Civil International (SCI) and ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service. The map below shows our partners and networks.


CYA envisions a world where inspired and empowered individuals lead transformative change, creating sustainable and thriving communities.


CYA aims to inspire and empower global citizens through immersive volunteer programs, educational initiatives, and sustainable development projects.

Core Values


We believe in the potential of every individual to make a difference and strive to provide them with the tools and opportunities to do so.


We are committed to sustainable development practices that ensure long-term benefits for the communities we serve.


We value the power of collaboration and teamwork, fostering partnerships that enhance our impact.


We conduct our work with honesty, transparency, and respect, building trust with the communities and individuals we engage with.


We embrace diversity and promote inclusive practices that ensure everyone has a voice and opportunity to contribute.


We encourage creativity and innovation, constantly seeking new and effective ways to address community challenges and inspire positive change.

Our Team

Sorn Sophat


Roun Thangdy


Prasob Rachana

ICP officer


OGP officer



Chanty Samporn

DMC officer

Phann Pheaktra

DMC officer

Cheung Soklang

CSD Manager

In Volunteer's Words

Rebeca Waldenburg

Long-Term volunteer

I spent a year with CYA Cambodia, managing and hosting volunteers. Through highs and lows, I grew immensely. It was incredible to experience the balance of giving and receiving.

oğuzhan malkoç

Short-Term Volunteer

Volunteering with CYA was incredible. I created videos, immersed myself in local culture, and connected with wonderful children whose smiles were infectious. I’ll miss them. Contributing to CYA’s positive mission made me proud.


Long-Term Volunteer

Voluntary service drives growth and development. At CYA, I gained confidence as a speaker, leader, and communicator. Gardening reconnected me with nature, grounding and inspiring me.

Ready to join us?

Here’s how you can make a difference: